
Daniele Nunes


Daniele Nunes practice primarily focuses on public law and dispute resolution.

With over ten years of experience, Daniele provides legal advice on regulatory frameworks, such as those of the oil & gas, infrastructure, maritime, and aerospace industries.

Daniele also advises companies in national and international government tenders. Some of the highlights of her work in this area involved tenders for the construction of oil platforms for Petrobras and for the privatization of international airports.

Daniele is experienced in representing clients in complex litigation, ranging from contractual disputes to administrative misconduct, including lawsuits related to Operation Car Wash. Additionally, Daniele represents clients in administrative proceedings regarding investigations of alleged irregularities in government tenders and contracts, including those conducted by the Federal Court of Accounts.

Daniele has worked pro bono in the Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse Project at the University of Michigan Law School and has recently launched an independent project aiming at helping women enter into the legal market and advance in the legal profession.

  • Articles and Publications
  • Other Activities
  • Performance bonds and the questions arising from the new Brazilian General Public Procurement Law, Nordic Light, 30 Dec 2021. Available at
  • Brazil's Use of Technology for Fighting Corruption in COVID-19-related Public Procurement. Winner of the Call for Essays issued by the New Development Bank in 2021, which invited authors to submit pieces on "COVID-19, Crime and Corruption in a Connected World".
  • Covid-10, compliance e controle dos contratos administrativos [Covid-19, compliance and overseeing government contracts], Migalhas,
  • Fighting Corruption and Fostering Compliance Through Public Procurement, Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative Law Blog,
  • TCU resiste em aplicar inovações feitas pela LINDB [Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts refrains from complying with legal innovations], Conjur,
  • Agência Reguladora ou Juiz Regulador? [Regulatory Agency or Regulatory Judge?], JOTA, (co-authored with Rodrigo Jansen)
  • Could Agencies’ Governance Stop the Major Question Doctrine?, Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative Law Blog,
  • Cartéis em Licitações: Fronteiras entre a Infração à Ordem Econômica e o Ato de Improbidade Administrativa [Cartels in Public Biddings: Borders Between the Violation against the Economic Order and the Act of Administrative Misconduct], Revista de Defesa da Concorrência, v. 4, p. 185-210, 2016 (publication included in the Brazilian Superior Court’s list of selected publications on Corruption and Administrative Misconduct)
  • A Desverticalização Total do Setor de Gás Natural e a Resolução ANP nº. 51, de 26 de Dezembro de 2013 [The Complete Unbundling of the Natural Gas Industry and ANP’s Resolution No. 51 of December 26, 2013] Revista Brasileira de Infraestrutura – RBInf, v. 8, p. 163-175, 2015.
  • Desdobramentos Jurídicos da Operação Lava-Jato [Legal Developments of Operation Car Wash]. Revista Portos e Navios, 03 set. 2015 (co-authored with Rodrigo Jansen)
  • A Tutela dos Direitos dos Licitantes Pelos Tribunais de Contas [The Protection of Bidders’ Rights by the Courts of Accounts]. In: GALVÃO, Ciro Di Benatti; CHAUVET, Rodrigo da Fonseca; DUARTE, Luciana Gaspar Melquíades. (Org.) Licitações e Contratações Públicas: desafios, polêmicas e aspectos relevantes. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, p. 129-157 (co-authored with Rodrigo Jansen).
  • Member of the Research, Teaching and Extension Group in Contemporary Administrative Law - GDAC

Contact information

Training and Career

Bachelor of Laws

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2010)

Specialization in Economic Administrative Law

PUC-Rio (2014)

Master’s in Law and Public Policy (MsC)

UNIRIO (2017)

Master of Laws (LL.M.)

University of Michigan Law School (2019)

Bar Admissions

OAB - RJ 165.787 | SP 308.804
New York State Bar


Portuguese, English, Spanish

Daniele Nunes


Contact information

Training and Career

Bachelor of Laws

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2010)

Specialization in Economic Administrative Law

PUC-Rio (2014)

Master’s in Law and Public Policy (MsC)

UNIRIO (2017)

Master of Laws (LL.M.)

University of Michigan Law School (2019)

Bar Admissions

OAB - RJ 165.787 | SP 308.804
New York State Bar


Portuguese, English, Spanish

Daniele Nunes’s practice primarily focuses on public law and dispute resolution.

With over ten years of experience, Daniele provides legal advice on regulatory frameworks, such as those of the oil & gas, infrastructure, maritime, and aerospace industries.

Daniele also advises companies in national and international government tenders. Some of the highlights of her work in this area involved tenders for the construction of oil platforms for Petrobras and for the privatization of international airports.

Daniele is experienced in representing clients in complex litigation, ranging from contractual disputes to administrative misconduct, including lawsuits related to Operation Car Wash. Additionally, Daniele represents clients in administrative proceedings regarding investigations of alleged irregularities in government tenders and contracts, including those conducted by the Federal Court of Accounts.

Daniele has worked pro bono in the Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse Project at the University of Michigan Law School and has recently launched an independent project aiming at helping women enter into the legal market and advance in the legal profession.

  • Publications
  • Other Activities
  • Covid-10, compliance e controle dos contratos administrativos [Covid-19, compliance and overseeing government contracts], Migalhas,
  • Fighting Corruption and Fostering Compliance Through Public Procurement, Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative Law Blog,
  • TCU resiste em aplicar inovações feitas pela LINDB [Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts refrains from complying with legal innovations], Conjur,
  • Agência Reguladora ou Juiz Regulador? [Regulatory Agency or Regulatory Judge?], JOTA, (co-authored with Rodrigo Jansen)
  • Could Agencies’ Governance Stop the Major Question Doctrine?, Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative Law Blog,
  • Cartéis em Licitações: Fronteiras entre a Infração à Ordem Econômica e o Ato de Improbidade Administrativa [Cartels in Public Biddings: Borders Between the Violation against the Economic Order and the Act of Administrative Misconduct], Revista de Defesa da Concorrência, v. 4, p. 185-210, 2016 (publication included in the Brazilian Superior Court’s list of selected publications on Corruption and Administrative Misconduct)
  • A Desverticalização Total do Setor de Gás Natural e a Resolução ANP nº. 51, de 26 de Dezembro de 2013 [The Complete Unbundling of the Natural Gas Industry and ANP’s Resolution No. 51 of December 26, 2013] Revista Brasileira de Infraestrutura – RBInf, v. 8, p. 163-175, 2015.
  • Desdobramentos Jurídicos da Operação Lava-Jato [Legal Developments of Operation Car Wash]. Revista Portos e Navios, 03 set. 2015 (co-authored with Rodrigo Jansen)
  • A Tutela dos Direitos dos Licitantes Pelos Tribunais de Contas [The Protection of BiddersRights by the Courts of Accounts]. In: GALVÃO, Ciro Di Benatti; CHAUVET, Rodrigo da Fonseca; DUARTE, Luciana Gaspar Melquíades. (Org.) Licitações e Contratações Públicas: desafios, polêmicas e aspectos relevantes. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, p. 129-157 (co-authored with Rodrigo Jansen).
  • Member of the Research, Teaching and Extension Group in Contemporary Administrative Law - GDAC